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Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Folks, this thing is over

Yahoo! News - Presidential Election

I still remember one of the first political memories I have. It was the night that Ronald Reagan beat Jimmy Carter. I believe it was Andrea Mitchell who as a reporter was shedding tears as the results came in showing a Reagan win. They weren't tears of joy.

Despite the fact that the media is still shell-shocked and hoping to stretch this thing out - BUSH IS OUR RE-ELECTED PRESIDENT. It is actually funny that they still want to keep Ohio in play. As more information comes out, it is obvious that the numbers continue to turn against Kerry. ABC News now reports that Kerry advisers are already paving the way for a concession.

It's just my gut, but Kerry will concede today.

But it goes deeper than that... look at the Senate and the House. The GOP gains in both. As a matter of fact, I don't see any area where the Dems have picked up any advantage. Oh, and don't forget the popular vote. This is huge. Reagan's wins set a very high bar - but compared to all the elections since then this one is big.

I believe that the more and more we look at this election the more significant it will become.


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