I'm half way there!
I started out to do a 25 mile ride. It was part of my plan to work toward the metric century. Well, I got going and kept saying to myself, "Just one more lap..." and before I new it I hit nearly 33 miles! That means I am halfway there to making it. I'm excited about the progress I'll be able to make.
Today's Training Line:
Distance: 32.82 miles / Average Speed: 17.5 mph / Time: 1:52:19
Average Heart Rate: 162 bpm / Level 5: 1:04:54* / Work: 2321**
* Level 5 is the time heart beats between 163 and 181 bpm
** Comparative number to measure exertion during different sessions
Data collected by Sports Instruments ECG Pro 7 heart rate monitor and Cat Eye Astrale 8 cyclocomputer
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