Rush Limbaugh has his . . . well, here is mine. This is my record of news stories and issues that interest me. You can also find more headlines at the site where I serve as editor: The Common Voice.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

What's been going on?

Time for an update...

Mayo Watch

After waiting nearly a week, the standings for Racin' for a Livin' came out late last night. Trent moved from 14th to 8th. That gives him a little breathing room going into the last half of this month. There is still time to help him out, so be sure to vote for Mayo before July 31st.

Following Hincapie

I guess Following Hincapie will become Following Landis. Of course, I'm still keeping up with George, but there is no way he will now win the Tour. Landis is the American best in position to take the yellow on the final day. Sure wish he rode for an American team, but I guess I'll have to pull for Phonak.

According to Rich Hincapie, his brother came into the tour too light. He seems to start out the stages just fine, but then fades. It was obvious during the time trial that there were going to be problems. Don't give up George!


I have been pleased by the response I have gotten at Vespatude. I knew it would be tough to raise $1600 with my pixel page. It was more a societal experiment than anything else. Bottom line, is that I have been able to get some cash toward my new engine and have learned a lot about people!

I was reminded once again of the nature of Internet bulletin boards. I put a message up at ScooterBBS letting people know about the program. I got some nice responses - and even some folks who purchased pixels. On the other hand, I also ran into the "board jerks." All boards have these. They spend their time insulting and trying stir up a fight. Not only that, but the majority of these types are pretty cras. It is a pity that you have to wade through all this trash to get some really helpful information.

Hey, I'm still accepting submissions. I may extend the project so that I can fill the page and give away the $100. All it takes is a purchase of $10 of pixels.

Wow. Yesterday was a big traffic day at The Common Voice. Nearly 10,000 unique users came to the site! That is nearly double the highest number at any other point in this month.

Very quietly the site has exceed 3 million individual sessions. It is amazing to me that this has happened because I really have not devoted much time to the site in several months. It has basically been running itself. Really, it is a site "edited" by the readers.


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