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Saturday, October 08, 2005

Wow, this author is just a kid!

I was given a new book to read... Actually, it isn't a "new" book, it was published in 2004. Still, it is a new book to me because I haven't seen it before. The title is, Brainwashed: How Universities Indoctrinate America's Youth by Ben Shapiro. I'll start reading it today and then report on it over at The Common Voice when I am done.

Before reading, I decided to learn a little bit more about Mr. Shapiro. I headed over to his site and read his biography. He makes me feel old! Ben Shapiro was born in 1984 - that makes him 21 and not even 20 at the time he was writing this book.

He entered UCLA when he was 16. He was hired to be a syndicated columnist at the age of 17. He is currently enrolled at Harvard Law School. Besides writing columns, he also has written a new book, Porn Generation: How Social Liberalism Is Corrupting Our Future, and is a regular special speaker.

Interestingly, I have not heard of him before. This book will be my first exposure to him. I must admit I am curious to see at what level of maturity his arguments will be presented. Here is what Michael Barone with U.S. News & World Report has to say about his book:
...Shapiro tells the truth--that universities are forums of left-liberal indoctrination, where dissent is discouraged and penalized, with more restrictions on free speech than any other part of American society. Parants who are paying for tuition might want to take note, and see what their hard-earned money is paying for.
Stay tuned...


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