Yesterday I posted "Hitting the trail again!" Little did I know at that point that the title was a literal description of what happened!
Right off the bat I didn't feel normal when I got back on the bike. The running I did earlier had stiffened my muscles in ways that made the motions of riding even stiffer. Anyway, I got into Timmons park and things seemed to be going okay. Then coming down a hill around a blind turn just to find a large tree limb across the trail! I had to brake radically and slide around a tree. It left me shaken.
I continued down the trail where typically you need to have a good head of steam to make it up a nearly vertical five foot climb. Problem is, there were four disc golf players standing right in my way. So I had to wait for them to "tee off" before I could start the climb. I made the mistake of trying to make the climb from a near stand still. You guessed it. I got about to the top and hit a rock that caused me to lose traction. I stopped. Unfortunately, I couldn't get my pedal released and there I went over backward.
Later I found out why I couldn't get out of the pedals. My left shoe was loose. The portion of my shoe that connects to the pedal was sliding around in the pedal so when I twisted my foot to pull out, the shoe moved but the metal connector stayed put. When that happens, you can't get out and over you go!
I finished out the ride keeping my foot out of the pedal. After really hitting the trail, I was glad to get off of it!
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