Helping Tabby
Backcountry Conservative: Charleston Help Needed - Another Tabby Update
I got the following in my mailbox today from Jeff Quinton, aka. Backcountry Conservative:
I don't know if you've read my posts recently about Operation Give bringing an Iraqi girl to Charleston for life-saving surgery she can't get over there, but she is arriving this Friday night. Sen. Dole has rushed through a visa for her father so he can join her and not have to come later, so Operation Give has requested more financial and volunteer assistance.Check it out and spread the word!
An update is at
The links to information from Chief Wiggles and others in that post provide the background information. Links to my original posts have the flight arrival information for Charleston this Friday night.
The contact information for Chief Wiggles is found in the above link if you can help out. If not, please consider helping publicize the information on your blog or website. If you have any media contacts you can pass the word on to feel free. I think the Post & Courier may already be working on it.
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