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Sunday, September 26, 2004

Gordon Takes Points Lead

A third place finish places Jeff Gordon into the lead for the Chase to the Cup. Okay, so maybe it is only by one point. That is what it is going to take to win the championship. Avoid the bad days. Have at least one really good day. Finish in the top ten each week. So far, so good.

Newman led 320+ laps. No one was going to stop him. He could only stop himself - and he didn't. Gordon was down in 26th place with a very ill handling car. So, the Dupont boys showed they have what it takes to be consistent in the final ten races. Oh yeah, and all that engine trouble they were having earlier? I really think they were taking us for a ride telling us they weren't testing.

On to Talladega... expect big things out of DEI. Don't forget that Hendricks Motorsports has started to give those boys some reason to look in their mirrors. Still, will 18 points be enough to keep Junior from passing Gordon for the points lead? We'll see...


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