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Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Today's BJU Links

Of course, if you are a reader, you already know about the link there. Here is another one that really isn't that big of a deal except it attempts to use BJU to make the same tired old charge that because GOP candidates spoke there they were seeking to "race-bait."

"Whether it's denouncing fictional welfare queens, saluting the Confederate battle flag or showing up to speak at Bob Jones University, the GOP knows how to race-bait."

Just take these three charges and think about them for a moment. When was the last time you heard a GOP candidate denounce welfare queens? Anyone recall any one of them saluting a Confederate battle flag? Also, someone please show how speaking at Bob Jones University somehow increases the number of "rascist" votes a candidate can glean from the "backward south."

"The GOP has built a Southern base by accommodating racists. That doesn't mean most Republican politicians are racists themselves. But they don't hesitate to pander to a constituency that is still uncomfortable with the social changes ushered in by the civil rights movement."

Get out some, Ms. Tucker. There is no doubt that there are still people out there who are racists. However, you paint with a very broad brush. You know you can't attack a politician for being racist, so you have to attack those people who don't have the voice you have to defend themselves. You can sit in your ivory tower and lob these charges. Back them up.

"The GOP still has a problem: Its potential is limited. As the nation grows browner, more and more voters will be drawn to the all-inclusive ideals espoused by the Democrats."

Sorry, it is the GOP that has the potential. Your argument is based on the idea that people make all of their choices according to the color of their skin (how racist!). As "the nation grows browner," that is just that much more of your marketshare from which the GOP can draw. It isn't your "all-inclusive ideals" that has made America great. When that "browner" segment begins to realize the true America ideals of freedom, liberty and access is available to them and they don't have to depend on the Democrats, your reign will end. When they begin to realize that your fear-mongering based on the past gives a false impression of the Republican Party and the reality of today, your hold will cease. Fear cannot defeat truth forever.

Miller knows race-baiting lifted GOP


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