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Sunday, January 06, 2008

Now, that was fun!

This morning my pastor spoke from the passage Hebrews 12:1 and 2. "Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God."

He drew from his personal experience participating in his first Cooper River Bridge Run. I couldn't help but think of my ride yesterday. So many of the points he was making fit with the struggles I was having. It made the application to my real life much more effective.

Anyway, it gave me a boost in my spirit - not just in everyday life, but also with my outlook on riding. Even if I'm never the guy who is winning the sprints or putting a hurt on those around me, I can use the activity to help me grow in endurance. For certain the lessons learned in the physical discipline of riding can be turned to be applied to other areas of life.

Once I got home I decided to hop on my single speed and ride it over to my in-laws where we were going to have lunch today. I threw on some baggy shorts, a long sleeved jersey, and my helmet. Then I was off.

I needed to ride for at least 30 minutes to reach my exercise goal for the day. It typically only takes 15 minutes to make the trip. I decided to do some laps in Cleveland Park to make up the difference.

As I came into the park, I could see two guys in full cold weather gear on road bikes heading up Woodland Way. A devilish thought came to my mind. Why don't I just climb up after them and follow them for a lap or two?

I caught them about halfway up and just settled in behind them. As we climbed up Woodland Circle I passed the second guy and continued along between them onto Richland Way. The front guy picked up his pace and we were going along at 27 mph.

Now, that might not seem like much, but on a single speed that is just crazy! I was spinning so much I was afraid my feet were going to come off the pedals. I had more to give, but I just couldn't turn the pedals fast enough to keep up with the guy. He finally left me as we passed the memorial.

I eased up and the guy behind me came around me as we reached the tennis courts. They rode away from me for a little bit, but I caught them again as we climbed up Woodland Way for the second time. I wasn't going to let them go.

Finally, one of the guys looked around at me and said, "How's it going?" "Great," I replied, "I'm just getting in some single speed action." It was at that point he looked down to see the gearing (or lack thereof) on my bike. It was worth it to see the look on his face.

At that point, I went up front and I think they turned off before we got to Woodland Circle for the second time. I went ahead and finished that lap and headed on to the in-laws.

Now, that was fun. Any down feelings from yesterday were gone. Actually, viewed through the lens of today... yesterday is looking better all the time.


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