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Friday, November 30, 2007

Things going slower than I hoped

Went to the gym again last night. The way I lifted tonight - more reps per set - really gave me a workout. I slept like a rock last night. I don't know if it was the workout or just clean living, but I haven't had a night of sleep like that in ages.

144 @ 90 lbs. from 1 to 12 to 1
125 @ 180 lbs. 2 sets of 50 and 1 set of 25
20 @ 315 lbs. 2 sets of 10

I did some spinning as well just to cool down. 5 minutes of easy spinning, then 2 minutes of spinning over 400 watts and 3 minutes spinning over 300 watts, and another 5 minutes easy spinning. After all the lifting, that was tough.

The other problem with the trainer in the gym is that ergonomics are all wrong. The seat sits back behind the "crank" and the grips for your hands are way high. Its fine for what it is, but you can't mimic riding an actual bike. If I'm going to try getting into this power training, I'm going to have to come up with another option.

I'm still working on the Sunshine Cycle Shop Web site. Unfortunately, I'm not getting it done as quickly as I would like. Click here to see the bike lines page. Most of the time isn't on layout and graphics but on looking up information to populate the page. By the way, the specials listed on the page are real!

I hope to have some more time to get things done this weekend. I'm still hoping to have the static, public portion of the site done by the end of Sunday. We'll see...



At 4:15 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I enjoy your blog both here and in the newspaper. I recently moved here from Orlando and it helps a newbie to the area learn a little about what is happening in the local cycling world. I thought you might be interested in a website a friend of mine has down there for their informal riding group. It has a very active forum and they spur each other on as well as organize rides. Do you know if there is something similar in the Upstate?

Another friend sends out a weekly email that has grown from 10 people to a distribution list of over 1000. Something like that really helps know what is happening each weekend. Granted, it is a lot of work for each of them to keep up. Is there something similar in the Upstate?

Keep up the good work.


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