Tomorrow this blog will extend
I mentioned that there would be a change coming up soon. I think I can mention it now though it won't be active until later Friday, August 31. I've been given the opportunity to blog in our local paper's Web site Cycling will be the topic, of course.
I'm a little nervous. I don't want to come off as I'm setting myself up as the person who knows everything about cycling in Greenville. I'm not! There are lots more people up on the scene than I. However, I'm learning more each day and have a track record of being a pretty consistent blogger. Hopefully, the more serious biker types will be accepting.
I also picked up a new helmet today. I've been looking at this one for some time and it went on sale for the weekend. I can't wait to take it out for its first ride. Unfortunately, that wasn't today. The weather was bad - people have been struck by lightening - and I had an event to attend this evening. I also won't get to ride tomorrow evening - but that will be because I'll be hanging out with the pro riders at the sponsorship reception downtown. Good times.
Ah, my stats for today. AM HR/WGT: 64/170.9 and PM HR/WGT: 60/172.6 My heart rate was a little higher this morning because my wife put, Pippin, my male cat on top of me in bed to wake me up. He didn't like that to much and as he jumped away his rear claw (he doesn't have front ones) scratched my face. I wouldn't exactly call it a resting heart rate!
Here is my new helmet and the picture that I think they may use as my header for the cycling blog.
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