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Monday, January 31, 2005

Getting the facts straight

Looking at why college students pick religiously affiliated schools


You write:

"Fundamentalist Bob Jones University and Catholic Magdalen College prohibit listening to music (even Christian music) - a puzzle considering that students are able to attend opera."

This is factually incorrect (and Naomi did not make this statement). Come to the campus of Bob Jones University and walk through most buildings or through the residence halls and you will find that music is very much a part of our campus. Our School of Fine Arts, which turns out musicians who go on to attend conservatories and graduate schools, is the largest school in our University.

You are correct that Naomi did not focus on the success or failure of the schools she visited. She took the myopic and sensational approach of "exposing" the "restrictive" standards of these institutions. However, had she looked at the success, of at least BJU (the only one I can speak for), she would have found that the disciplines of academics, philosophy and living serve BJU students well as they go into our culture "to speak thoughtfully about issues like feminism, homosexuality, religious and racial diversity."

A clear understanding of God and His Word does not lead to an insular graduate. Rather, it gives that graduate the wisdom, love and selflessness to influence the current culture.

Jonathan Pait
Public Relations
Bob Jones University


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