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Thursday, November 11, 2004

No, Mr. Falwell, don't do it!

Falwell Launches '21st Century Resurrection Of The Moral Majority' -- GOPUSA

Please, no. The cool thing about this last election and the focus on value issues was the fact that it sprung from individuals and not a "coalition." Not only that, it was a surprise. No organization could lay claim to the "movement." Let's not try to force folks into a mold with which they may not be comfortable. I'm for standing up and opening your mouth as much as the next guy, but sometimes I think we organize our passion too much. When we organize it can sometimes stifle a groundswell.

So, Mr. Falwell, lets let the organizations that had been taking part in the values argument keep doing their thing. We don't need a resurrection of the Moral Majority. I don't want a "leader" to pop up and claim he has dibs on the myriad of folks who expressed their will at the ballot box. Doing so will serve more to strangle the flow than to strengthen it.


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