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Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Impromptu from the Holy Land

Jay Nordlinger checks in again from Israel
[Saeb] Erekat says one quite interesting - even semi-newsworthy - thing . . . about Bill Clinton. Clinton tells a certain story. Many of us have heard it. It goes, Arafat said to him, as his second term was expiring, "You are a great man" (or a great leader or some such thing); Clinton answered, "No, I'm not, I'm a failure, and you made me one" (meaning that Arafat blew up the peace process, refusing to deal with Barak).

No way, says Erekat. He was part of the phone call that took place between the two men, and Arafat did, indeed, praise Clinton as a great man (or something) - but without that riposte from Clinton.

Who is telling the truth? As between Clinton and the PLO, I'll let you decide.


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